Your Terrible Social Media Security Habits Could Ruin Everything

Follow these simple rules and get your cyber security in order

How is it possible after all these decades of virus, malware, and phishing attacks that we’re still having this discussion? Too many of you still don’t know how to properly protect yourselves online.

You’ve literally had decades to learn and adjust. Viruses, malware, phishing, even ransomware became a part of our digital lexicon long before the age of the Internet and social media. Digital adults are already raising children—young cyber citizens—who know no other life, and yet few seem to understand or think they need to focus on cybersecurity, especially in social media, the digital arena where they spend the majority of their time.

I get it. You all have better things to do and good reasons to not take what some nervous nellies might consider necessary precautions. You’re probably right. Why worry so much about cyber security?

You have one password for everything.

We all have better things to do than memorize dozens of different passwords. I know, right now you’re looking around like, “Is he talking to me?” Yes, I have it on good authority that some 60% of you reuse passwords.

Don’t worry. Hackers will happily learn, memorize and use your password on all of your accounts. This is possible because most cyber criminals already have your emails thanks to years of massive data breaches and untold stolen emails. So, you go ahead and reuse that password over and over again. Somewhere, a cyber criminal is thanking you.

Your data and social media aren’t really that important.

Don’t worry. Cyber criminals value ALL of your data. Every bit is another piece of the puzzle, the puzzle of you and your identity. They even prize the most innocuous details like that photo of you holding up the key to your brand-new home. That high-resolution image could come in real handy when cyber criminals want to make a copy of that key.

Being nice online is cool.

Don’t worry. Hackers and cyber criminals appreciate your accommodation, especially when they send you emails, posts, and direct messages that request your help, or to help you, and politely ask for your personal information. Your courtesy makes their criminal enterprises possible.