How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 7 THIS TUTORIAL IS

Install CouchDB on CentOS 7 Apache CouchDB is a free and open-source NoSQL database advanced via the Apache Software Foundation.

CouchDB server shops its records in named databases which includes files with JSON structure. Each record includes some of fields and attachments. Fields can consist of textual content, numbers, lists, booleans, more. It includes a RESTful HTTP API that lets in you to study, create, edit and delete database files.

In this educational, we will give an explanation for a way to deploy the present day model of CouchDB on CentOS 7.

Install CouchDB on CentOS 7,Prerequisites

To be able to deploy new programs on your CentOS device, you need to be logged in as a consumer with sudo privileges.

Install CouchDB on CentOS 7,Enable CouchDB Repository

The CouchDB repository relies upon at the EPEL repository](https://linuxize.Com/post/how-to-enable-epel-repository-on-centos/). If the EPEL repository is not enabled to your system, permit it by using typing:.

sudo yum install epel-release

Next, open your editor of choice and create the CouchDB repository file:

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-apache-couchdb-rpm.repo

Paste the subsequent content into the record:


Save the document and near the editor.

Install CouchDB on CentOS

similarly Now that the repository is enabled, you may install the CouchDB programs the use of the following command:

yum install couchdb

Once the set up is completed, allow and begin the CouchDB service:

sudo systemctl start couchdb
sudo systemctl enable couchdb

Apache CouchDB data and configuration files are stored in the /opt/couchdb directory. To create an admin account open the local.ini file and add a line under the [admins] section in the format username = password.

sudo nano /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini
admin = mysecretpassword

Transform the password to a hash, with the aid of restarting the CouchDB carrier:

sudo systemctl restart couchdb

Use the same format to feature a couple of admin money owed. You’ll need to restart the CouchDB provider after including a brand new account.

Verifying CouchDB Installation

Although To verify whether or not the set up modified into done efficaciously, difficulty the following curl command at the way to print the CouchDB database facts in JSON format:


For readability the output below is formatted.

out put
      "name":"The Apache Software Foundation"

If you prefer GUI, you can get right of entry to the CouchDB internet-based totally interface, Fauxton at: